stony stare中文

發音:   用"stony stare"造句
  • stony:    adj. (-ier; -iest) 1.石的,石頭的, ...
  • stare:    短語和例子 She stared thoughtfull ...
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  1. In one niche , hypnos , the bat - winged god of sleep , casts a stony stare
  2. Then he betook himself to his seat , rested his elbows on his desk and his jaws in his hands , and stared at the wall with the stony stare of suffering that has reached the limit and can no further go


        stony:    adj. (-ier; -iest) 1.石的,石頭的, ...
        stare:    短語和例子 She stared thoughtfull ...
        stony:    adj. (-ier; -iest) 1.石的,石頭的,石質的,像石頭(一樣硬)的,多石的。 2.多核的(水果)。 3.冷酷的,殘忍的(心等);變成石頭的;不動的;沒有表情的。 4.〔俚語〕破產的,不名一文的。 短語和例子 The path was stony. 小道上石頭很多。 Her story should soften the stoniest of hearts. 她的事情會使心情最冷酷無情的人也為之感動的。 a stony gaze [stare, look] 冷眼凝視。 stony fear 嚇呆了的恐怖。 adv. -ily ,-iness n.
        ) stare at:    凝視,注目于
        stare:    短語和例子 She stared thoughtfully into the distance, deliberating the state of affairs. 她深思地凝視著遠方,考慮當前的情況。 The green hat stares out unpleasantly. 綠帽子怪惹眼的。 stare at 目不轉睛地看,瞪著看,凝視。 stare sb. down = stare sb. out of countenance 瞪得人局促不安。 stare sb. in the face 瞪眼看人;(死、不幸等)就在眼前;(事實等)擺在面前,明明白白。 stare sb. into silence 用眼睛瞪得某人啞口無言。 stare sb. up and down 將人渾身上下打量一番。 stare with surprise 嚇[驚奇]得目瞪口呆。 n. 凝視。 Having heard what I said, James looked at me with cold stare. 聽了我講的話以后,詹姆斯冷然地瞪著我。 With an angry stare, Mother silenced Mary. 媽媽生氣地瞪了一眼,嚇得瑪麗不講話了。
        stare at:    瞪視; 瞪著; 盯著,凝視; 盯著某人; 目不轉睛地看, 凝視, 盯著; 凝視, 盯住
        stony athi:    斯托尼阿西
        stony beach:    斯托尼比奇
        stony bottom:    多石地犁體
        stony broke:    身無分文, 一文不名
        stony brook:    美國紐約州立大學; 紐約州立大學石溪市分校; 斯托尼布魯克; 以及石溪市
        stony cataract:    石狀內障
        stony clay:    含石粘土; 含碎石粘土
        stony coral:    【動物;動物學】石珊瑚。
        stony creek:    斯托尼克里克
        stony desert:    礫質荒漠礫質沙漠礫漠; 石漠
        stony desertification:    石漠化
        stony drainage:    石砌排水溝
        stony dullness:    石樣濁音
        stony edema:    石水
        stony furuncle:    石丁
        stony goiter:    石癭
        stony ground:    多石地
        stony heart:    石樣心
        stony hill:    斯托尼希爾



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