tacit understanding中文

發音:   用"tacit understanding"造句
n. 默契
[網絡] 緘默理解;理解;隱性理解
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  1. a smile, perhaps a sigh, all has the tacit understanding
  2. yet in the right circumstances a tacit understanding can endure
  3. she immediately kicked several times, and my husband and i smiled with tacit understanding
  4. artistic interaction of tacit understanding-on the impact of western literary trends to zhang ziping's novel
  5. on happy festivals, there must be joyfulness linking between our hearts which are always in with a tacit understanding


        have a tacit mutual understanding:    互相默契
        tacit understanding or comprehension:    靈犀
        tacit:    adj. 1.緘默的;不發表意見的;心照不宣的;暗中的。 a tacit agreement [understanding] 默契。 tacit approval 默許。 tacit consent 默認[許]。 2.【法律】因法律的執行而引起的。 短語和例子 tacit declaration 【法律】默示。 the tacit law 習慣法。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
        on the understanding that:    如果, 在...條件下
        understanding:    n. 1.認識,了解,理解,領悟,理會。 2.悟性,理解力,智力;【哲學】知性 〔opp. reason〕。 3.諒解;同情;默契;協議;約定;條件。 4.〔pl.〕 〔英俚、謔〕鞋;腳。 短語和例子 It is a matter of understanding. 那是認識問題。 a man of understanding 頭腦清楚的人。 a man without understanding 頭腦不清楚的人。 a tacit understanding 默契。 arrive at [come to] an understanding with ... 和…取得諒解,和…達成(非正式的)協議。 have [keep] a good understanding with ... 和…意見一致。 on the understanding that ... 給…為條件。 on this understanding = with this understanding 以這條件,在這一諒解之下。 adj. 1.能體諒別人的,通情達理的。 2.明智的,聰明的,穎悟的。 短語和例子 an understanding man 通情達理的人。
        understanding of:    對的理解
        with this understanding:    在此條件下
        tacit acceptance:    默示的承諾
        tacit admission:    默認
        tacit agreement:    默契, 默示協議
        tacit approval:    默認, 默準; 默許
        tacit collusion:    暗地串通; 默契合謀
        tacit confirmation:    默示確認
        tacit consent:    默許
        tacit cooperation:    配合默契
        tacit declaration:    默示宣告
        tacit experiences:    潛藏的經驗
        tacit knowledge:    緘默知識; 默契的知識; 默許知識; 內隱知識; 心照不宣的知識; 隱含的知識; 隱性知識
        tacit law:    習慣法
        tacit reconduction:    默示展期
        tacit renewal:    默契的轉期; 默契轉期、延期或重訂; 默認合同續訂; 默示重訂; 默示轉期
        a tacit spectator a surname:    緘默的旁觀者
        dispersed and tacit knowledge:    演進使人類得以超越分散和默會
        tacit and practical knowledge:    會和實際知識
        tacit permission of a request:    默許所求



  1. tacit mortgage中文
  2. tacit mutual consent中文
  3. tacit recognition中文
  4. tacit renewal clause中文
  5. tacit social contract中文
  6. tacita中文
  7. tacitean中文
  8. tacitism中文
  9. tacitly approve中文
  10. tacitly recognize unequal individual endowment中文


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