the deed中文

發音:   用"the deed"造句
  • deed:    adv. 〔口語〕 = indeed.
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. They were the deeds of a hardened criminal .
  2. The primacy of the deed is over word and thought .
  3. This will be the deed of your life .
  4. He wishes the deed were done, and done quickly .
  5. He considered that there were strong reasons against the deed .


        deed:    adv. 〔口語〕 = indeed.
        by deed:    以契據的形式
        deed:    n. 1.行為,行動;實行;事實。 2.事跡,功跡。 3.【法律】證書,契約。 短語和例子 a title deed 地契。 a trust deed 財產信托證書〔常用以進行抵押〕。 deed of arms 戰功。 in deed and not in name 有實無名,不是名義上而是實際上。 in deed as well as in name 有名有實。 in name, but not in deed 有名無實。 in word and (in) deed 言行俱…。 in (very) deed 實際上,真的。 vt. 〔美國〕立契轉讓(財產)。 adv. 〔口語〕 = indeed.
        in deed:    真正
        a blank deed:    空白的契據
        a foul deed:    惡劣的行為
        absolute deed:    無限制契據
        acknowledge a deed:    承認證書
        act and deed:    物證; 有約束力的契約
        alms deed:    樂善好施的行為。
        attestation of a deed:    契據的證明
        black deed:    惡劣的行為
        body of deed:    契據主文
        bond for deed:    文契契約
        composition deed:    和解契據
        contract by deed:    契據, 契據形式的合同; 契據式合同
        contract for deed:    契約合同
        contract; deed:    契紙; 文契
        deed book:    文契匯編
        deed box:    文件箱, 契據箱
        deed coal:    非粘結煤
        deed fire:    桅上電火
        deed in lieu:    代替取消贖還法律手續的文契
        deed indented:    鋸齒邊契約
        witness to a deed:    契據的見證人


  1. the decreplt ferry中文
  2. the dedicated lover中文
  3. the dedicated professor li li中文
  4. the deduction of tax from earnings中文
  5. the deebule sea中文
  6. the deed proves the man中文
  7. the deed to tarren mill中文
  8. the deeds of a former life中文
  9. the deelove friendshiis long中文
  10. the deelustre of pearls中文


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