tolerance control中文

發音:   用"tolerance control"造句
  • tolerance:    n. 忍受;容忍;寬容;耐性;【物理學】容限;【醫學】耐 ...
  • control:    n. 1.支配,管理,管制,統制,控制;監督。 2.抑制 ...
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  1. In this paper , the theories and methods of tolerance control and fault diagnosis technology are particularly recommended . the concrete work includes several the following respects . 1
    本文詳細介紹了容錯控制和故障診斷的理論和方法,重點研究了利用h _濾波理論進行魯棒故障檢測的方法。
  2. The development of tolerance control and fault diagnosis technology is discussed , and the methods , the advantages and the disadvantages of different methods and applicable range are studied
  3. The requirements of reliability and security are higher and higher in the fields of astronautics and aeronautics now . tolerance control and fault diagnosis technology is a novelty method to improve reliability
  4. Then we turn to a production system which demands high availability service ; design a disaster tolerance system for it . we use two - module technique , high availability clusters in lan for disaster tolerance , and use disaster tolerance center technique in wan . we describe the software and hardware architecture of the disaster tolerance system in detail , divide the whole system into subsystems , discuss the subsystem function and relationship between the subsystems , then design and analyze the disaster tolerance control center subsystem and state detection subsystem



  1. tolerance change中文
  2. tolerance chart中文
  3. tolerance chimera中文
  4. tolerance clearance中文
  5. tolerance concentration中文
  6. tolerance criteria中文
  7. tolerance data editor中文
  8. tolerance deviation中文
  9. tolerance distribution中文
  10. tolerance domain中文


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