- Toxic potent chinese herbal medicines have the characteristic of potent pharmacological actions and being toxic e . g . radix sophorae tonkinensis , unprocessed rhizoma pinelliae , unprocessed radix aconiti lateralis , etc . . improper use of the medicines will cause poisoning or even death
毒性烈性中藥的特性是藥性十分強烈含有毒成分若藥量稍不當或誤服即可引致中毒甚至死亡例如山豆根生半夏生附子等。 - Toxicpotent chinese herbal medicines have the characteristic of potent pharmacological actions and being toxic e . g . radix sophorae tonkinensis , unprocessed rhizoma pinelliae , unprocessed radix aconiti lateralis , etc . . improper use of the medicines will cause poisoning or even death