
[ tɔp ] 發音:   用"top"造句
(opp. bottom, foot)
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. She is in the top flight of journalists .
  2. Huge waves came crashing almost on top of us ..
  3. He gets commission on top of his salary .
  4. Bulky portion is tucked under top of cast .
  5. The cream rose to the top some time ago .


  1. situated at the top or highest position; "the top shelf"
  1. finish up or conclude; "They topped off their dinner with a cognac"; "top the evening with champagne"
    同義詞:top off
  2. be the culminating event; "The speech crowned the meeting"
  3. cut the top off; "top trees and bushes"
  4. strike (the top part of a ball in golf, baseball, or pool) giving it a forward spin
  5. reach or ascend the top of; "The hikers topped the mountain just before noon"
  6. pass by, over, or under without making contact; "the balloon cleared the tree tops"
  7. provide with a top or finish the top (of a structure); "the towers were topped with conical roofs"
    同義詞:top out
  8. be superior or better than some standard; "She exceeded our expectations"; "She topped her performance of last year"
    同義詞:exceed, transcend, overstep, pass, go past
  9. be ahead of others; be the first; "she topped her class every year"
  10. be at the top of or constitute the top or highest point; "A star tops the Christmas Tree"
  1. a canvas tent to house the audience at a circus performance; "he was afraid of a fire in the circus tent"; "they had the big top up in less than an hour"
    同義詞:circus tent, big top, round top
  2. a garment (especially for women) that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips; "he stared as she buttoned her top"
  3. covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container); "he removed the top of the carton"; "he couldn''t get the top off of the bottle"; "put the cover back on the kettle"
  4. a conical child''s plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin; "he got a bright red top and string for his birthday"
    同義詞:whirligig, teetotum, spinning top
  5. platform surrounding the head of a lower mast
  6. the greatest possible intensity; "he screamed at the top of his lungs"
  7. the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill); "the view from the peak was magnificent"; "they clambered to the tip of Monadnock"; "the region is a few molecules wide at the summit"
    同義詞:peak, crown, crest, tip, summit
  8. the highest or uppermost side of anything; "put your books on top of the desk"; "only the top side of the box was painted"
    同義詞:top side, upper side, upside
  9. the upper part of anything; "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"; "the title should be written at the top of the first page"
  10. the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development; "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist''s gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the summit of his ambition"; "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"; "at the top of his profession"
    同義詞:acme, height, elevation, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, meridian, tiptop
  11. the first half of an inning; while the visiting team is at bat; "a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth"
    同義詞:top of the inning


    A top (also called spinning top or spintop) is a toy that can be spun on an axis, balancing on a point.



        topとは意味:1top n. 頂上, 上部; 《口語》 頭; 表面; ふた, 栓(せん); 《口語》 上著; 〔野球〕 イニングの表(おもて); 首位. 【動詞+】 ◆blow one's top 《口語》 (こらえきれず)怒りを爆発させる ◆I can't get the top on . ふたが締まらない ◆Put the top on. ふたを締めなさい ◆when we reached the top ...
        top meaning: Noun: top    tóp The upper part of anything "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"; "the title should be written at the top of the first page"   The hi...
        top en francaisn. sommet, haut, cime, supérieur; toupie v. surmonter, couronner; coiffer; écimer (arbre), étêter; garnir adj. supérieur, ...
        top artinya:bahagian atas
        top 뜻:noun, 정상, 위끝, 극점, 절정, 표면, 수위, 지붕, 뚜껑, 머리, (책의)상변, (구두의)상부, 털술, 장루, at the ~ of 될 수 있는한 ...으로, from ~ to toe(bottom, tail) 머리끝에서 발끝까지, 온통, on ~ of it 게다가 a, 제일 위의, 최고의, 수석의 vt, ...의 꼭대기를 (표면을)덮다, ......
        top перевод:1) верхушка; вершина; макушка Ex: the top of a mountain вершина горы Ex: the of the head макушка Ex: the top of tree верхушка дерева Ex: at the top of the stairs наверху лестницы Ex: top climbers...


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