一段: one paragraph; one passage; ...串聯: establish ties with; establi ...單程: one way; one path通過: pass through; get past; trav ...工藝: technology; craft; industria ...单程通行证: one-way permit联单: check; double draft定单绞辘串联单双复绞辘: runner tackle动单绞辘串联单双复绞辘: runner and tackle水平串联单管式户内系统: one-pipe loocircuit household system罪犯通过工作抚养家庭的权利: right of prisoner to contribute to the maintenance of his family through his work动单滑车串联单双复滑车组: runner and tackle单程: one way; one path◇單程車票 one-way ticket; single ticket; 單程出境簽證護照 single exit visa in one's passport一段一次通过加氢裂化: ssot single stage once through一段: 1.(事物的一部分) one paragraph; one passage; one stanza 短語和例子 包含一段 contain a paragraph; 構成一段 constitute a paragraph; 構思精密的一段 a well-connected paragraph; 有一段引起反感的文字必須刪掉。 excision of an obnoxious passage was required.2.(物體的一部分; 一定距離) a section; a length of 短語和例子 一段衣料 a dress length; 管子的一段 a section of a pipe; 最后一段旅程 the last section of a journey三联单: bill in three parts; billinthreeparts; bills in three parts; triplicate form颜色进程通过调整四个颜色调色板: four plate串联: 1.(為共同行動進行聯系) establish ties with; establish relation with; make contacts with; link up; establish; contact:土改后, 他們串聯了幾戶農民組織起了一個生產互助組。after land reform, they linked up several farmers and organized an agriculture mutual-aid team.2.[電工] (串連) series connection; series; connect in series; concatenation; cascade; in-line; install in series; series arrangement; tandem compound; tandem connection 短語和例子 同... 串聯 in tandem with ..超过工作深度: exceeding operational depth带通滤波器即此滤波器只能通过某一段频率: bandpass filter通过: 1.(從一端到另一端) pass through; get past; traverse 短語和例子 通過邊境 pass the frontier; 通過城鎮 pass through a city; 通過障礙物 break the barriers; 一慢二看三通過。 pay attention to traffic safety; slow down, look around and then go ahead. 代表們通過大廳進入會場。 the delegates entered the assembly hall by way of the lobby.2.(同意議案) adopt; pass; carry 短語和例子 通過決議 adopt a resolution; pass a resolution; 提案以壓倒多數通過。the motion was passed by an overwhelming majority.3.(以人、事物等為媒介) by means of; by way of; by; through 短語和例子 通過外交途徑 through diplomatic channels; 通過協商取得一致 reach unanimity through consultation; 通過正當手段 by fair means4.(征得有關人員同意) ask the consent or approval of 短語和例子 通過群眾 consult the masses二联单用纸: fanfold互联单元: iwu interworking unit可交联单体: crosslinkable monomer联单汇票: set of exchange