一段時間: a period of time連續: 6年未出事故. There have been no a ...投: throw; fling; hurl; cast或: nǎi-.打: strike; hit; knock连续的一段时间: spell在一段时间中连续成功: be on a winning streak在一段时间中连续失败: be on a losing streak过一段时间: in on time名词] 一段时间: period时段, 一段时间: period of time停一段时间: in accident一段时间: a piece of time; for a spell; for some time; hour; lapse; period; session noun; space; span; stitch一段时间前: by the time在一段时间: for a space招致,一段时间: spell不好: badly; no good; unsatisfactory表示一段时间: he stayed in beijing for some time and then began to move on不久,过一段时间: by and by过了一段时间: after a time好长一段时间: for a long time很长一段时间: a long period of time; a long time后一段时间内: opening range经过一段时间: minutes after some time i've finally made umy mind每隔一段时间: at predefined intervals; at set intervals; atsetintervals; every once in a while