不能: cannot; must not; should not ...重疊: one on top of another; overl ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...鏡象: acoustic image; image; image ...不能重叠的镜像: non-superimposable mirror image不能操作的镜象组: inoperable mirror group重叠的: imbricate; iterative; multiplicate; overlapped; overlapping; overlying; superimposed; superposed职能重叠: duplication of functions不重叠的: nonoverlapping无重叠的: non-overlapping相重叠的: equitant重叠的区: overlapping zones不能重做: can't redo分布区重叠的: sympatric重叠的内含子: overlap intron重叠的汽油阀: crossover gasoline valve重叠的输送管: crossover line不能重新出帐: you cannot perform charge off once again生存年代不重叠的: allochronic; allochronous相互重叠的枝条: touching each other重叠的寄存器视窗: window overlapped register重叠的控制范围: overlapped span of control不能重开谈判条款: zipper clause不能重新使用的: not reusable不能重载的桥梁: weak bridge