不: a block of wood臭: odour; smell的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...臭的: feculent; fetid; flagrant; foeculent; foetid; niffy; odoriferous; odorous; olid; smelly臭的;有恶臭的: fetid除臭的: deodorizing恶臭的: effluvial; foul; mephitical; niffy; noisome - appealing; poisonous; putrid fetid; rancid; rank; reechy发臭的: rotten防臭的: deodorant腐臭的: frowzy; moldy/rancid; putrid; rancid很臭的: bilgy焦臭的: empyreumatic脚臭的: butyrique抗臭的: antibromic口臭的: saprostomous霉臭的: funky; fusty鼠臭的: mousey; mousy; ratty蒜臭的: alliaceous无臭的: inodorous; odorless; scentless; smell-less腥臭的: rank止臭的: deodorant坏人不臭,好人不香: Bad people were not looked down on and good people were not looked up to.坏人不臭好人不香: bad people were not looked down on and good people were not looked up to恶臭的气味: a foul smell恶臭的味道: foul taste