不: a block of wood重疊: one on top of another; overl ...不重迭镜像: non-superimposable mirror image不重叠的: nonoverlapping不重叠馏分: gapped cuts不重叠密码: non-overlapping code分布区不重叠: allopatry分布区不重叠种: allopatric species生存年代不重叠的: allochronic; allochronous不能重叠的镜像: non-superimposable mirror image不重叠的传输短脉冲串: non overlapping transmission burst不重叠而只是平平贴齐: carve built不重叠而只是平平贴齐的: carve-built镜像: a00k; a00t; a08v; a09p; a0cv; a0dp; a0dq; a0dr; bolivia-the looking glass; flip; mirror ik limits; mirror image; mirrorimage; mirroring; specular image; the image in a mirror; vis-a-vis折叠镜头: collapsible lens重叠: 1.(一層層堆積) one on top of another; overlapping 短語和例子 山巒重疊 range upon range of mountains; 精簡重疊的行政機構 simplify overlapping administrative organizations; 消滅人事重疊和其他浪費現象 eliminate personnel duplication and other waste; 他的訪問期與我的訪問期有幾天重疊。 his visit and mine overlapped.2.[電學] [計算機] overlap; overlay; superimpose; superpose; [語言學] reduplication 不重拨: no redial不重覆: no-repeat不重号: unduplicated number不重合: misalign; mismatching; noncoincidence; offset不重绕: unrewind不重视: brush over; downgrade; indifference; make little of; take no count of; think little of不重性: nonce不重要: be of no moment; inconsequence; insignificance; nonessential; trivial; unimportance; unimportant不重尊: q.v