專門: specially; specialized為: support; stand for報: report; declare; announce撰寫: write的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...文章: literary works; writings; es ...专门为儿童写的故事: stories specially written for children某人授意写的文章: inspired articles一篇某人写的文章: an article by sb撰写法律文章: write legal thesis专门为我们发烧友: power users and overclockers编辑们把几位科学家写的文章编排在头版: the editors made up the front page with articles written by different scientists不错的文章: about pll from ieee陈腐的文章: boiler plate最近的文章: recent article撰写种族相关文章: writing about race专门为您准备的三钟颜色: available in three shades to match your skin tone perfectly生动的文章[叙述]。: word picture我发表的文章: my post有的文章介绍: glyceryl stearate se有诗意的文章: poem杂志上的文章: a magazine article正式缮写的文件: engrossment说服性文章的撰写技巧: d. the art of persuasion; the art of persuasion in writing〔俚语〕空话,浮夸的文章。: hotair