業務: vocational work; professiona ...往來: come and go; to and fro; bac ...技術: technology; skill; technique ...計算: count; compute; calculate; r ...交易, 业务往来: business dealings业务往来: business contact; business transaction恢复业务往来: renew business relations银行间同业务往来: bank to bank transaction技术计算机技术: automatic computing technology混合技术计算机: htc hybrid technology computer; hybrid technology computer财务往来: financial transaction商务往来: commercial intercourse帐务往来: in account with他在世界各地都有他的业务往来: he’ll trade the world我从来没跟这样的公司有过业务往来: i never do business with such a company业务往来(关系户)在你的工作小组: contacts in your box network财务往来帐户: financial transaction accounts财务往来账户: financial transaction accounts未来技术系统: future technology system算术计算: arithmetic computation算术计算机: arithmetic computer; arithmetic computing machine; arithmetical computing machine按技术计酬: skill-based compensation技术计划: technical plan技术计量学: technometrics拉美先进技术计算机科学和法律学会: latin american institute for advanced technology computerscience and law