為什么: why; why is it that; how is ...我們: we應該: should; ought to; must學: study; learn英語: English为什么我们要学英文: why should we study english为什么我们: why weren't we able我们应该学做家务: weshouldlearntodohousework为什么学英语: why learn english我们应该学会分清是非: we should learn to distinguish right from wrong我们应该学会尊重对方: we should learn to respect each other to avoid friction and conflict那么我们为什么要离开: so why don‘t we go为什么我们不能都属于: why can't we all belong为什么我们来到这个世界: we're born into this world为什么我们已无力回天。: and try to turn the tables能审视我们应该做什么: where we could see what we should do为什么我爱你: and thats why i love you我们应该了解学英文不能没有字典: cedil为什么我们要像我们的斜面昨日: why cant we be ourselves like we were yesterday或说我们应该: do we try or should we我们应该了解…: cedil我们为什么学习英语: why we learn english那么如果你时间为什么我们不走呢?: and if you have a minute why don't we go如果你有一分钟为什么我们不走: and if you h*e a minute why don‘t we go; and if you have a minute why don‘t we go为什么我们,对那些迹象视而不见: why weren't we able