為: support; stand for別人: other people; others; people擔: a carrying pole and the load ...責任: duty; responsibility为别人尽力: hold a candle to another为别人拍照: take a picture of sb为别人做事: do something for someone为别人跑腿,办事: run errands为别人着想的: c.considerate也为别人着想: police notice: bicycles will be removed不承担责任: irresponsibility承担责任: accepting responsibility; assume liabilities; assume responsibility; assumed liability; be liable for; bear the responsibility; carry the ball; sponsor; take on responsibility; taking responsibility; to be responsible for; undertake responsibility承担责任的: responsible分担责任: share the responsibility分担责任者: shared responsibility负担责任: to assume the responsibility共担责任: shared rights shared responsibilities能承担责任: accountable, take initiatives and can work under pressure不承担责任的: irresponsible; uncommitted对…承担责任的: be responsible for拒绝承担责任: disavowal; disclaim responsibility; refuse to take responsibility勇于承担责任: face the music愿意承担责任: a desire for responsibility你想成为别人吗: do you wanna be somebody else他从不为别人设想: he never considers others