遇難: die in an accident be murder ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...遇难船乘船遇难的人: castaway遇难船乘船遇难的人漂流物: castaway舰船遇难: shipwreck坐船遇难者: castaway沉船遇难流落在与外界隔绝之地的人: person who has been shipwrecked and left in an isolated place机会机遇难的: once in a blue moon遇难的英国海员: distressed british seaman共患难的人: companions in misfortune ie people suffering together责难的人: decrier国际通用的呼救信号, 船遇难时的呼救: save our souls使其船只遇难的女海妖: siren乘船: by sea(ship); by sea, by ship; by water; embarcation; embarkation notice; embarkment; go aboard; go afloat; go on board a ship; mit dem dampfer fahren; ocean travel; seatravel; shipped; take a boat; taking a boat; to embark, to ship; to go on board; toembark,toship; travel by boat辛免于难的人: a brand from the burning遇难船上的人或物: castaway遇难: 1.(意外死亡) die in an accident2.(被殺害) be murdered◇遇難船 castaway; wreck; the ship in distress无票偷乘船或飞机的人: stew away不能共患难的人: a rat leaving a sinking ship难的: difficult; hardy; hrd帮助遭受苦难的人们: help people in affliction乘船;开船: embarkment使乘船: embark; ship遇难船,遇难: wreck