交通: unobstructed近便: close and convenient; close ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...旅館: hotel; tavern近便的: convenient不近便的: unavailable闹鬼的旅馆: the haunted hotel清晨的旅馆: morning at the hotel奢华的旅馆: de luxe hotel舒适的旅馆: a de luxe hotel car bed近便: close and convenient; close at hand 短語和例子 交通近便的旅館 hotels convenient of access; 這兒乘電車很近便。 this place is close and convenient to the street-car. 咱們找個近便的飯館吃點吧。 let's have a snack at the nearest restaurant滨海区的旅馆: a hotel on the sea front城堡型的旅馆: chateau chateau公路旁的旅馆: roadhouse有声誉的旅馆: prestigious hotel面向大海的旅馆: hotels that front onto the sea破旧的旅馆客房: urban:shabby hotel room敲游客竹杠的旅馆: tourist trap设备完善的旅馆: well-appointed hotel无饮食供应的旅馆: no catering hotel寻找便宜的旅馆: go in search of a chea hotel有一间小的旅馆: there's a small hotel总统下榻的旅馆: the hotel where the president stayed咱们找个近便的饭馆吃点吧: let's have a snack at the nearest restaurant目前和阿姆斯特丹的旅馆: time present and hotel in amsterdam