
發音:   用"人生教練"造句 人生教練 in English
life coach
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        人生:    life
        教練:    train; drill; coach
        教练:    1.(訓練) train; drill; coach; practise 短語和例子 持槍教練 drill with weapons; 徒手教練 drill without weapons2.(教練員) coach; trainer; instructor 短語和例子 足球教練 football coach; 教練兼隊員 playing coach; 教練車 learner-driven vehicle; 教練彈 dummy shell [bullet]; dummy ammunition; training projectile; practice projectile; dummy projectile; dummy; 教練地雷 practice mine; 教練房 drill hall; 教練機 trainer aircraft; trainer; 教練艦[船] drill ship; school ship; training ship; 教練設備 trainer; 教練員 coach; instructor; trainer
        人生:    life◇人生觀 outlook on life; 人生價值 the value of life; 人生目的 the aim of life; 人生瑣事 the trifles of life; 人生哲學 philosophy of life
        残疾生教师:    teacher of the handicapped
        董逸生教授:    yi-sheng dong
        生教方案:    reach programme
        卫生教师:    health instructor
        卫生教育:    healfb-education; health education; hygiene education; hygiene teaching
        卫生教育处:    health education service
        吴意生教授:    yi-sheng wu
        学生教室:    students' compound
        研究生教育:    postgraduate education
        终生教席:    tenured
        终生教育:    life long education; lifelong education
        炒教练:    fire a coach
        副教练:    assistant coach
        教练,指导:    coach
        教练(经理):    manager
        教练场:    school ground; training ground
        教练车:    driving school training vehicles; instructional car
        教练池:    pool for teaching
        教练船:    drill ship; practice ship; school ship; training ship
        教练弹:    acquisition round; dummy bomb; dummy missile; inactive dummy round; practice bomb
        教练法:    coaching


  1. "人生價值"英文
  2. "人生價值何在"英文
  3. "人生交叉點"英文
  4. "人生交叉剔"英文
  5. "人生交差剔"英文
  6. "人生街道"英文
  7. "人生階段"英文
  8. "人生境界真善美這里已包括"英文
  9. "人生就是那樣"英文
  10. "人生就是這樣"英文


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