They drove the car and went out for a spin 他們開車到外面兜風去了。
他們: they開車: drive; start set a machine g ...到: 39外面: outside; out兜風: catch the wind去: go; leave了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...兜风去: let’s go out for a drive让我们兜风去: lets take a ride咱们兜风去吧: going out for a drive开车兜风: cp yy; cruising; go for a drive运到外面去: garbage里面翻到外面: inside out起来到外面去: get uand walk out把花盆搬到外面去: take the flowerpots out把里面翻到外面,彻底: inside out到外面请人代工: outsource到外面去吹吹风: go for a blow电影夹拉动到外面: movieclip.ondragout里面翻到外面, 彻底地: outside in内-外,由里翻到外面: inside-out走到外面去淋雨: go out and sleeout in the rain我今晚也要开车到那儿去: however far it is i intend to drive there tonight我们开车去见济慈医生: and we drove uto see dr. keatsout是什么东西伸到外面: to stick out like a sore thumb