He is fussy about the way his food 's cooked . 他過分計較食物的烹調。
他: he過分: going too far; excessive計較: bother about; haggle over; f ...食物: food; eatables; edibles; ali ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...烹調: cook中国式的烹调: chinese cooking喜欢中国的烹调: partial to chinese cuisine烹调食物: cook food用烹调食物: cream食物的: alimental; alimentary; cibarian; cibarious; dietary; nutritive; pabular美味食品的烹调和鉴评: gastronomy食物烹调设备: food cooking equipment非食物的: non food; non-food可食的;食物的: pabular缺乏食物的: foodless摄取食物的: feeding食物的加热: thermal equivalent of food食物的理论: theory of food食物的热价: themal equivalent of food; thermal equivalent of food食物的热量: caloricity; heat value食物的味道: the taste of food食物的一份: helping用作食物的: serving as food自选食物的: idiotrophic