代: take the place of; be in pla ...出動: set out; start off出动: 1.(隊伍外出行動) set out; start off 短語和例子 待命出動 await orders to set out [go into action]; 小分隊提前出動了。 the detachment set off ahead of schedule.2.(派出軍事力量) call out; send out; dispatch 短語和例子 出動飛機20架次 fly 20 sorties; 出動軍艦 dispatch warships; 出動傘兵參戰 call out paratroops to join the battle3.(行動起來) go into action; turn out 短語和例子 全體居民出動除四害。 the whole community turned out to wipe out the four pests.; 出動機場departure airfield(即出發機場); 出動架次 [航空] sortie代出单: fronting代出单业务: fronting年代出错的: anachronistic现代出版社: modern publishing house出动,出现: turn out出动铃: turn-out bell时代出版公司: time incorporation现代出版公司: moderne verlags-gesellschaft mbh; mvg moderne verlags gesellschaft mbh现代出版技术: modern publishing technology新时代出版社: new times press; ny day publishing house石器时代出租车: ancient taxi侧翼出动: fianchetto出动,动身;走…道路: take the road出动,离开,拔出: get out出动方案: response pattern出动机场: airdrop of departure; airdrop of origin; departure airfield; original airfield出动机场departure: airfield出动计划: departure piston出动架次: mission sortie; sortie出动架次率: sortie rate出动警铃: house gong出动距离: response distance