令人: make one感到: feel; enter; sense疲倦: tired; weary; fatigued; jade的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...感到疲倦的: to be exhausted令人感到厌倦的: boring感到疲倦: feel tired令人疲倦的: tiring: making tired令人感到讨厌: that really gets under one's skin令人感到不舒服的: disagreeable令人感到孤寂的: causing loneliness令人感到失望的是: to one's disappointment疲倦的: aweary; beat; bushed; careworn; exhausted; forspent; harassed; languid; languorous; limp; poohed; slack; tired; trying; unwearied; washed-up; weary究竟是什么原因我感到疲倦: is it any wonder i'm tired你感到疲倦和你漂流和你低: you're tired and you're drifting and you're low我对这些尖叫声已经感到疲倦了: and i grow so weary of the sound of screams干净得令人感到爽快: exhilarating clean令人感到崇敬的事物: sublime令人感到幸福愉快的: causing feelings of happiness and pleasure热诚而令人感到亲切的人。: good fellow做令人感到惊奇的事: do amazing things; do wonderful tricks不疲倦的: tireless; untiring; unwearied不知疲倦的: indefatigable; inexhaustible极度疲倦的: br/ dog-tired极疲倦的: forwearied; forworn