伊斯蘭: Islam; Moslem; Muslin人民: the people阿富汗伊斯兰人民党: islamic party of the people of afghanistan阿拉伯和伊斯兰人民会议: popular arab and islamic conference; the islamic and arab people's conference久斯兰人民报: folkebladet for djursland国际伊斯兰人口研究中心: international islamic centre for population studies and research弗里斯兰人: frisians波兰人民军: polish people's army米兰人民报: popolo di milano伊斯兰: islam; moslem; muslin◇伊斯蘭國家首腦會議 islamic summit conference; 伊斯蘭國家外長會議 islamic conference of foreign ministers; 伊斯蘭會議 the islamic conference;伊斯蘭教徒 moslem; 伊斯蘭教義 islamism哥得兰人民报: gotlands folkblad荷兰人民日报: volksdagblad voor nederland霍达兰人民报: hordaland folkeblad朗厄兰人民报: langelands folksblad斯莫兰人民报: smalands folkblad韦姆兰人民报: varmlands folkblad伊斯兰声援撒赫勒人民委员会: committee on islamic solidarity with the sahel people支持巴勒斯坦人民伊斯兰革命国际会议: international conference to support the islamic revolution of the people of palestine伊斯兰的,伊斯兰教的: islamic别斯兰人质事件: beslan school hostage crisis别斯兰人质危机: beslan school hostage crisisislamic伊斯兰的: islamic islamic阿明伊斯兰: aminul islam保卫伊斯兰: hefazat i islam; hefazat-i-islam布尔伊斯兰: bur islam