He disagreed , but he did n't say anything definitive . 他盡管不同意,但是沒有把話說絕。
沒有: not have; there is not; be w ...把: grip; handle話說: says...絕: cut off; sever他尽管不同意但是没有把话说绝: he disagreed but he didn't say anything definitive不要把话说绝: don't be too definitive in what you say但是没有我: but it feels so empty without me但是没有得到贯彻: although the plan was thorough it was not carried through但是没有你那不是: but without you it ain't但是没有人回答: i tried several times to call but there is no answer但是没有人回答391: i 'm going to dial the number.the telephone is ringing但是没有我的世界: mtv but it feels so empty without me把话说死: line 1但是没有你,我绝不会去做: but i'm never gonna make it without you但是没有人来帮助她: but no one came to her aid但是没有一个人永远愚蠢: every man is fool sometimes but none at all times但是没有一件是我要求的: but nothing did i ask from you把话说在前头: forewarn且慢等我把话说完: wait a minute let me finish what i have to say双方把话说明白: the views of each side are correctly understood by the other听某人把话说完: hear sb out现在听我把话说完: hear me out now咱们把话说在头里: let's make this clear in advance但是没有你的亲吻就不是真正的亲吻: a kiss is not a kiss without your sign但是没有你那就不是我的归属: but without you it ain't home