但: only; just; merely當: proper; right問題: question; problem出現: appear; arise; emerge; grow; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...時候: time问题出现的背景: with the of最终出现的时候: mr.big时出现的问题: microsoft visual studio但当我看着你眼睛的时候,: but when i see your eyes出现半月的时候: time when this occurs反复出现的问题: the recurring problem开机后出现的问题: ntldr is missing上网出现的问题: data connection refused出现的: emergent但当我选择的时候我总是获胜: but i win when i choose服务器上时出现的问题: asp access纠缠未来可能出现的问题: indulge in speculations on what might happen in future下的时候字符集的问题: linux…的时候: conj出现的;出席的: present出现的变化: ganeunghan byeonhwadeul出现的错误: defect出现的机率: probability of presence出现的毛病: defect