你: you會: compute學: study; learn著: wear; dress去: go; leave了解: understand; comprehend; acqu ...發覺: come to know; be aware; real ...這個: this one; this男人: man试着去了解他: get him known and seen这个男人说得: make a reservation这个男人来自地球: the man from earth这个男人有点色: don juan de marco; don juan demarco因此,这个男人说他爱我。他爱我: so, this man says he loves me, he loves me站在这个男人的肩头: stand on the mans shoulders嗯,这个男人爱上了女人: well, this man loves a woman你会发觉: you will see; you would see你怎么发觉这事的: how did you come to know it我发觉这很难得到: i find it hard to take这个女孩子没结婚就与一个男人同居: the girl has cohabited with a man without being married半个男人: half man; un uomo a meta第三个男人: the third man in her life第四个男人: the fourth man那个男人: that man她是个男人: shes the man