No , three . who said there were four 不,三個,誰告訴你們有四個人?
You have four people 你們有四個人
你們: you有: 5年 fifteen years四: four個人: individual; personal你们四个人: the four of you我们总共有四个人: there are four of us altogether有四个角的: quadricorn有四个音节的: quadrisyllabic有四个正面的: quadrifrontal你们有问题吗: do you have any questions包含有四个字母的: quadriliteral有四个角或边的: tetragonal这个系有四个专业the: special line你们有多少个区: how many provinces do you have你们有空房间吗: do you have a room available你们有他的照片吗: do you have a picture具有四个等位基因的位点: a locus with four alleles具有四个小叶的叶子: leaf with four leaflets四元醇含有四个羟基的醇: tetrahydric alcohol; tetratomic alcohol现在有四个电视频道: there are at present four television channels有四个驱动轮的六轮卡车: six-by-four有四个照相舱口的前段: four-port camera nose你们看这个人: ecce homo四个人或物的一组: grouof four people or things那你们有什麽结论呢: and what did you decide