你們: you的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...你: you港: harbour; port你们的: you、your、yours、yourself、yourselves你港: yrs yours你的, 你们的: yours你的你们的: your你们的电传: your telex你们的女儿: season's greetings from xiao li and ming ming爱你们的仇敌: love your enemies出示你们的票: p-your tickets翻开你们的书: open your books你的(东西),你们的(东西): yours参观你们的学校: visit your school参阅你们的电传: ryt rerfer to your telex等着你们的回来: mott利用好你们的优点: use the skills you have你们的办公室在哪: where is your office你们的价格那么高: it is difficult for us to sell the goods as your price is so high你们的帽子真漂亮: you working that hat我同意你们的还价: i appreciate your counter-offer but find it too low我需要你们的表演: and its me you need to show谢谢你们的合作: thank you for you cooperation谢谢你们的询价: thank you for your inquiry