信義: good faith; faith會堂: assembly hall; hall信义会: lutheranism德国信义会: lutheranism美国信义会: american lutheran church; lutheran church in america美利坚信义会: american lutheran church美国福音信义会: american evangelical lutheran church美国联合信义会: united lutheran chruch in america信义会芬兰差会: finnish missionary society信义会挪威差会: norwegian missionary society港澳信义会慕德中学: queen maud secondary school中华信义会湘中总会: norwegian missionary society义会: mutual loan syndicate; yee wui教堂中文名字叫蒙市信义会基督堂: christ lutheran church信义: good faith; faith 短語和例子 不可違背的信義 attic faith; 無信義 be perfidious; 有信義 act in good faith; 遵守信義 keep faith; 他又一次對他們不守信義。 once again he has broken his faith with them 会堂: assembly hall; hall 短語和例子 人民大會堂 the great hall of the people义会;银会: mutual loan syndicate高信义: hsin-yi kao刘信义: xinyi liu无信义: be perfidious信义村: lutheran village信义区: hsin yi district; shinyi chiu; sinyi district; xinyi district信义线: xinyi line