其: his數: frequently; repeatedly補: repair; mend; patch不计其数: too many to count; countless; innumerable; the number is beyond counting.; unable to find the total number不计其数的: jillion; out of count八进数补码: octal number补码, 基数补码: radix compliment补码,基数补码: rc radix complement代数补充: complementary to algebra底数补数: radix complement基数补码: radix complement基数补数: base complement; noughts complement参数及其数值: surface roughness - parameters and their values for wooden pieces八进制数补码: octal number complement复变函数补充: supplement of complex analysis高等代数补充: supplement of advanced algebra功率因数补偿: power factor compensation; power factor correction百分数补偿费用: percentage fee二进制指数补偿: beb binary exponential back off功率因数补偿器: power-factor compe ator; power-factor compensator列表框设置其数据支持者: flistbox.setdataprovider数不过来的,不计其数的: countless无线电测向站表及其数据: list of radio station with their data截短二进制指数补偿算法: binary exponential back-off algorithm误差函数补数的积分: ierfc