內河: inland river船舶: shipping; boats and ships; v ...噸位: tonnage; shipping ton丈量: surveying; chaining; measure規范: standard; norm; specificatio ...船舶吨位丈量: tonnage measurement of ship国际船舶吨位丈量规则: international regulation for tonnage measurement船舶吨位丈量法则: tonnage law; tonnage measurement rules船舶吨位丈量员: tonnage gauging surveyor船舶吨位丈量证书: certificate of measurement海船吨位丈量规范: rules for the tonnage measurement of seagoing ships船舶吨位丈量国际公约: international convention on tonnage measurement of ships国际船舶吨位丈量公约: international convention on tonnage measurement of ships; internationale konventionüber das messen vonschiffstonnagen吨位丈量规则: tonnage law船舶吨位丈量证书木材尺寸检查证书: certificate of measurement吨位丈量: tonnage admeasurement; tonnage measurement吨位丈量师: bulker吨位丈量员: bulker净吨位丈量: net tonnage measurement总吨位丈量: grossmeasurement吨位丈量证书: measurement certificate船舶吨位: ship tonnage; ships tonnage; tonnage of ship; tonneaux de jauge内河船规范: rule for inland river going ships内河船舶: inland fleet; river fleet; river ve el; river vessel; rivercraft; waterway vessel莫逊吨位丈量法: moorsom's measure