發貨人: consignor; shipper; delivere ...指示: indicate; point out instruct即: approach; reach; be near提單: bill of lading; lading bill收貨人: consignee; cargo receiver; r ...欄: fence; railing; balustrade; ...填寫: fill in; write為: support; stand for不记名指示即提单收货人栏填写为“: to the order凭银行指示即提单收货人栏填写为“: to the order of xx bank”这是指在提单收货人栏内只填写: to bearer凭发货人指定: to order of shipper收货人指示: order of consignee种提单称为收货人指示提单: a.b.c则提单收货人一栏中填: consigned to abc co收货人栏留空不填: to bearer提单的收货人: consignee收货人记名提单: straight b/l收货人抬头提单: straight bill of lading未填收货人的提单: open bill of lading受货人,收货人: consignee收货人: consignee; cargo receiver; receiver◇收貨人倉庫 consignee's warehouse; 收貨人地址 consignee's address发货人: cnor consignor; co igner; consigner; consignor ,shipper; consignor,shipper; sender; shipper收货人抬头提单,不转让提单: straight bill of lading可以填写具体的收货人: toorder