1.(規范) standard; norm; criterion 短語和例子
準則 norm; standard; criterion; 例則 an example; 以身作則 set an example by one's own conduct; set oneself up as an example2.(規則) regulation; rule; law 短語和例子
總則 general rules; 原則 principle; 細則 detailed rules and regulations3.(姓氏) a surname 短語和例子
則長 ze changⅡ動詞
1.(效法) imitate; follow; copy 短語和例子
+更多解釋...則之 follow it; imitate its way; 則先烈之言行 follow the example of the martyrs in word and deed2.(是, 乃是) be 短語和例子
此則余之過也。 this is my fault. 心之官則思。 the office of the mind is to think.Ⅲ量詞
(用于分項或自成段落的文字的條數) an item 短語和例子
新聞一則 an item of news ; a news story; 笑話一則 a joke; 試題三則 three test questions; 寓言四則 four fablesⅣ連詞
1.(表示因果、條件等) : 多則一年, 少則半載 between six months and a year; 不進則退。 either one goes forward or he will be left behind. 不戰則已, 戰則必勝。 fight no battle unless victory is sure. 物體熱則漲, 冷則縮。 objects expand when heated and contract when cooled. 有則改之, 無則加勉。 correct mistakes if you have made any and guard against them if you have not. 欲速則不達。 more haste, less speed.
2.(表示對比、轉折、讓步等) 短語和例子
有的勤奮工作, 有的則消極怠工。 some are hard at work and some are slack in work. 人皆好名, 我則不然。 others may be fond of titles and honours, but i am not. 漂亮則漂亮, 只是不耐穿。 it's pretty but not endurable. 南方雨水充沛, 北方則比較干燥。 it is wet in the south, while the north is dry. 今則不然。 however, things are quite different today. 他們想要一所房子, 我們則寧愿住一套房間。 they want a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat.Ⅴ助詞
(用在“一、二、三”等后面,列舉原因或理由):不能讓他去干, 一則年紀大, 二則身體弱。 don't set him the task. for one thing he's old, for another he's in poor health. 我想今天不去了, 一則我有點累, 二則我去過好幾趟了。 i don't think i am going today. first, i am feeling a bit tired; secondly, i have been there several times before