The military on the front went swiftly ahead . 前方的軍事局勢急轉直下。
前方: the place ahead的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...軍事: military affairs局勢: situation急轉直下: a sudden turn for the worse; ...局势急转: tables turn急转直下: a sudden turn [change] for the worse; a sudden change of circumstances;a sudden development of the situation; go into a precipitous decline; rapid deterioration of a situation; take a sudden decisive turn; turn abruptly towards a new vista 短語和例子 前方的軍事局勢急轉直下。 the military on the front went swiftly ahead. 股票市場行情急轉直下。 the stock market turned down sharply股票市场行情急转直下: the stock market turned down sharply改变形势, 改变局面使事态急转直下: turn the tide前方的: forehand; forward前面,前方的: forward身体前方的: preaxial向前方的: onward壁炉前方的地面: hearth位于盆带前方的: prezonal转向前方的喷管: forward-swiveled nozzle集中的军事训练: intensive military training同南非的军事勾结: military collaboration with south africa闲散的军事单位: idle citizen /comma行政首长的军事权: power of the executive一系列的军事攻击: series of military attacks与南非的军事勾结: military collaboration with south africa直下: downright; mashimo; mashita; naomoto; naoshita; nikami; noge; sosori局势: situation 短語和例子 國際局勢 the international situation; 緊張局勢 a tense situation; tension; 中東局勢 situation in the middle east; 目前的嚴重局勢 the present acute situation; 使局勢惡化 aggravate the situation; 摸清局勢 feel out the situation; 政府已完全控制了局勢。 the government has the situation well in hand. 這個城市的整個局勢充滿了危險。 the whole situation in the city is charged with danger出现在船前方的陆地: land rising ahead of the ship