Train tickets to dalian are sold at that window . 去大連的火車票在那個窗口賣。
去: go; leave的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...火車票: railway ticket在: exist; be living那個: that窗口: window賣: sell预定去大连的船票: book one's passage to dalian武汉以近的火车票: train tickets up to wuhan火车票: d125; k157; pasteboard; rail ticket; train ticket乘船去大连: embark for dalian前一个窗口: previous window下一个窗口: next window搭轮船去大连: go to dalian by boat那个窗户朝东: the window faces to the east那个窗户冲南: the window faces south活化这个窗口: activate this window激活这个窗口: activate this window出售火车票: rail ticket代售火车票: train tickets购买火车票: purchasing train tickets联营火车票: eurail pass请订火车票: please book the train tickets特价火车票: prem's本地的火车: a local train/bus ie not longdistancee