吉: lucky; auspicious; propitiou ...爾: you以為: think; believe; consider她自己: herself是: Semantics誰: who卡: wedge; get stuck; be jammed公主: princess; infanta自己是谁: whodoyou think you are弄清自己是谁: in pursuit of understanding race卡洛琳公主: princess caroline of monaco我以为我自己是坚强的: i thought i was strong without you卡罗琳: carillon; carolina hervera; caroline of brandenburg-ansbach; caroline tamara hingst ger; carolyn她自己: herself pron马德琳公主 (瑞典): princess madeleine, duchess of hlsingland and gstrikland没有你,我以为我自己是坚强的: i thought i was strong without you也许我不会是但却以为自己是的: that i may not be what i think i am卡罗琳杜西: caroline ducey卡罗琳卡娃: caroline kava卡罗琳墨菲: carolyn murphy卡罗琳娜: carolina herrera; karolina卡罗琳斯卡: karolinska卡罗琳学院: karolinska institutet卡罗琳夜鹰: chuck-will's-widow卡罗琳鹦哥: carolina parakeet