后: behind; back; rear接: come into contact with; come ...介詞: preposition后接介词的词语: words followed by prepositions常接介词: b. attribute后接: for sth./doing sth. the reason for being late exercise exercises practice exercisee; of sth./doing sth reason介词: [語言學] preposition胶接介质: cementing medium连接介导pcr: ligation-mediated pcr常后接: catenative后接词: proclitic后接的: proclitic后接点: back contact; backcontact后接口: rear port后接片: back lab后接头: back-joint后接修: under(介词)指导: guide to动介词: coverb介词“离”: the preposition是介词: c like用介词: in twenty minutes' time; on/upon与介词: thanks背后接线架: back rack后接不带: had batter