后: behind; back; rear現代主義: Modernism對: answer; reply現代: modern times; the contempora ...俄語: Russian詞匯: vocabulary規范: standard; norm; specificatio ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...影響: influence; affect论现代俄语词汇状况: on the vocabulary of modern russian后现代主义: postmodernism后现代主义的: post-modern反抗式后现代主义: resistant postmodernism反应式后现代主义: reactionary postmodernism后现代主义建筑: postmodern architecture后现代主义文化: postmodernism culture后现代主义文学: postmodern literature社区与后现代主义: situating the self: gender community and postmodernism in contemporary ethics后现代主义与历史研究: postmodernism and history后现代主义与文化理论: frederic jameson世纪后现代主义艺术: post modemism现代英语新词对汉语词汇系统的影响: the influence of modern english new word on chinese vocabulary system超现代主义: hypermodern现代主义: modernism现代主义的: modernistic