后項: consequent; succedent情況: circumstances; situation; co ...后项: [數學] consequent; succedent关系后项: postrior term of relation肯定后项: affirming the consequent蕴涵式后项: consequent of an implication最后项目: final race情况: 1.(情形) circumstances; situation; condition; state of affairs 短語和例子 陳述自己的情況 state one's case; 全部情況 the whole circumstances; 健康情況 health condition; 在境況較差[優裕]的情況下 in reduced [well] circumstances; 在許可情況下 as far as circumstances allow; 在許多情況下 in many cases; 情況混亂 be in a state of confusion; 情況危急 be in a critical condition; 情況證明 circumstantial evidence; 情況怎么樣? how do matters stand? 隨情況而定。 it depends on circumstances.; it all depends.; that depends. 我們應當根據具體情況做出決定。 we should make decisions in accordance with specific conditions. 他問起她的健康情況。 he inquired after her health. 經濟情況很糟。 economic conditions were very bad.2.(軍事上的變化) military situation 短語和例子 前線有什么情況? how is the situation at the front?; 情況調查 condition survey; 情況簡介 fill-in表情况: ion tionn表示“情况: f -th凑情况: pool information看情况: depending on circumstances迫情况: hurry-hurry attitude情况,条件: condition情况,箱子: case情况,想定: scenario情况;剧情: scenario情况;事例: case情况等: ancy情况好: be in good fig情况室: situation room情况图: situation map情况下: situation; under (this) circumstances情况一: b1-b2人情况: personal information