和: mix; blend生命: life; vita; vivi-; bio-; -bi ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...意義: meaning; sense; purport生命的意义: the meaning of life我能感到力量和生命的意义: my strength金钱与生命的意义: money and the meaning of life我终于知道生命的意义: i knew what my life was all about生命的意: meaning of life时间线治疗简介-时间对生命的意义: introduction to time line生命奥秘的意义: the secret of life生命的: biotic; of health; of life; vital; zoetic比喻的意义: figurative sense称赞的意义: commendatory meaning存在的意义: sinn von sein法规的意义: sententia legis公认的意义: acceptation构思的意义: constructed meaning好的意义: meaning of good结尾的意义: the sense of an ending戒律的意义: the meaning of the precepts绝望的意义: the meaning of despair苦难的意义: suffering theology旅行的意义: acoustic美的意义: health and beauty