回顧: look back; review; retrospec ...戰斗: fight; battle; combat; actio ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...歷程: course; progress爱的历程: the desert music the journey of love成功的历程: the journey of success辉煌的历程: a glorious way难忘的历程: unforgettable expericnce人生的历程: life's journey生命的历程: progress through life development of a political party etc新的历程,远航: beyond the reef,sailing严峻的历程: the course severe回顾奋斗历程: review the course of struggle渴望战斗的: filled with the lust of battle能战斗的: combat-capable战斗的号令: a call to arms战斗的话: fighting talk战斗的集体: a militant collective战斗的技巧: the art of fighting战斗的技术: ssaum-ui gisul; the art of fighting战斗的教会: church militant战斗的孔雀: khut daung战斗的玫瑰: the rose of battle战斗的山村: the mountain village in fighting战斗的诗篇: militant poem