在: exist; be living內: inner; inside; within的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...停留: stay for a time; stop; remai ...時間: time; hour短停留时间: srt停留时间: detention period; detention time; dt; dweel time; dwell time; dwelltime; holding time; holdingtime; length of stay; residence time; retention time; standing time; station time; stationary period; stay time; staying time; time dwell; time of stay; waiting time总停留时间: total residence time纵停留时间: gaze duration在喷管内完全膨胀: complete nozzling停留时间,滞留时间: detention time导弹停留时间: missile dwell time地面停留时间: ground time短暂停留时间: short residence time货车停留时间: car staying time空床停留时间: ebct炉料停留时间: retention time炉内停留时间: residing time in furnace平均停留时间: average length of stay; mean detention time气体停留时间: gas residence time水底停留时间: on bottom time水力停留时间: hrt - hydraulic retention time; hydraulic detention time停留时间分布: distribution of residence time; residence time distribution停留时间控制: retention time control停留时间模型: residence time model