復: repeated; double; duplicate性: nature; character; dispositi ...說: try to persuade复性: renaturation情性说: theory of affections and nature全性说: theory of preserving original human nature人性说: theory of human nature中性说: neutral theory; total neutrality hypothesis安全性说明: security declaration超显性说: overdominance hypothesis等价性说明: equivalence declaration动物磁性说: animal magnetism更迭极性说: alternate polaritytheory功能性说明: functional description基督单性说: monophysism基督一性说: monophysitism交互显性说: theory of alternate dominance交替极性说: alternate polarity theory纠正性说明: reinterpretion兽性说的: animalistic属性说明: attribute specification谈性说爱: speaking of sex一性说派: monophysites指导性说明: guidance note中性说论战: neutrality controversy