
發音:   用"复指代词"造句 复指代词 in English
resumptive pronouns
  • :    repeated; double; duplicate
  • :    finger
  • 代詞:    pronoun
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  1. This article is not focused on the dating of shi ' s emergence as a copula ; rather , it illustrates how shi has changed from a deictic substitute to a copula from the perspective of information structure , bringing in the consideration of pragmatics


        :    repeated; double; duplicate
        :    finger
        代詞:    pronoun
        代词及其指代:    pronouns and referencing
        指代:    delegate; new york, where; refer to; the reason, why
        代词:    [語言學] pronoun 短語和例子 反身代詞 reflexive pronoun; 分離代詞 disjunctive pronoun; 關系代詞 relative pronoun; 接語代詞 clitic pronoun; 絕對代詞 absolute pronoun; 連接代詞 syndetic pronoun; 人稱代詞 personal pronoun; 相互代詞 reciprocal pronoun; 疑問代詞 interrogative pronoun; 引導代詞 anticipatory pronoun; 自身代詞 self pronoun
        零指代:    zero anaphora
        复指数:    complex exponential(s)
        指代的是:    problems
        指代工作:    many items to write
        指代消解:    ananphora resolution
        指示词,指代:    demonstrative
        代词“自己”:    the pronoun
        定代词:    definite pronoun
        复指数分量:    complex-exponential component
        复指数函数:    complex-exponential function
        复指数信号:    complex exponential signals; real exponential signal
        复指数载波:    complex exponential carrier
        恢复指环:    ring of regeneration; rlif
        恢复指数:    index of recovery; recovery index
        重复指标:    repeated index
        重复指令:    repeat directive; repeat instruction; repetition instruction; repetitive instruction
        重复指示:    ri repeat indication
        重复指示符:    (n.) repeat indicator; repeat indicator
        周期复指数:    periodic complex exponentials


  1. "復值微分型"英文
  2. "復值線性泛函"英文
  3. "復值振輻系數"英文
  4. "復值振幅"英文
  5. "復值振幅系數"英文
  6. "復指數"英文
  7. "復指數分量"英文
  8. "復指數函數"英文
  9. "復指數擬合法"英文
  10. "復指數信號"英文


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