We should stengthen our body by doing lots of exercises 我們應做多些運動來增強我們的體魄
多: many; much; more些: some; a few; a little運動: arrange things or get things ...较多些: any more多些时间: a little more time再;较多些: any more给我多些爱吧: cant get enough of your love应该爱你更多些: smash!! - should have loved you more运动: 運動[舊時用語] arrange things or get things done through pull运动,运动会: sport运动;(体育)运动: do sport运动;游戏;运动会: sport爱运动: athletic摆运动: pendular motion; pendulum motion被运动: passive movement侧运动: lateral movements肠运动: bowel movement氮运动: klinokinesis低运动: harmonic motion地运动: ground motion动, 运动: kino-动,运动: kin-动态;运动: movement端运动: end motion锻炼,运动: exercises