大紅: bright red; scarlet; royal s ...豆: legumes; pulses; beans; peas我: I; my; me想: think; ponder應該: should; ought to; must是: Semantics仁: benevolence; love; kindheart ...吧: crackling大红豆: red kidney bean; redkidneybean我想应该抓住这机会去上一次: i thought i’d take the opportunity to go down应该是: be supposed to; csa; it's; ought to be; should be; your test will go on你应该是: you should always depend on yourself rather than someone else应该是你: it might be you应该是小葱: chive这不应该是……: as for me this should not be这个应该是: balm of gilead love manifestations protection healing那个应该是我: diy by startodog你应该是依靠: you should always depend on yourself rather than someone else应该是指议会: the house薏仁: job's tears我想你应该……: maybe you should quit smoking宝石商店,正确应该是: dem shop从句的主语应该是: any of which which答案应该是选项: a vital link他应该是个好人: he is supposed nice