如: in compliance with; accordin ...在: exist; be living船上: on board在船上: aboard ship; afloat; ashipboard; inship; o oardaship,aboard; on board a ship, aboard; on ship; on the water; when on board在船上,上船: on board在船上的: used or occurring on a ship在船上兜风: take a ride on the boat在船上货物: cargo on board在船上碰见: meet on shipboard在水上, 在船上: on the water装设在船上: ship装在船上: o/b on board在船上(汽车,飞机)上: on board在船上甲板上: above deck在火车上,在船上: on board在船上在船上在船上在飞机上: on board在船上上船靠舷在船内: aboard将残余物留在船上: retention of residue on board将污油留在船上: retention of oil on board桨手在船上的位置: cockpit, stateroom; cockpit, stateroom在船上,在车上,在飞机上: aboard在船上打扑克消遣: beguile the ship journey by playing cards pastimediversion在船上的锚链节: inboard shot自船上落下, 在船外: overboard到船上,在船上,上火车或飞机: on board