學習: study; learn; emulate關于: about; on; with regard to; c ...地球: the earth; the globe更多: more; still more的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...東西: thing急切地想学更多的东西: everything had a name and each name gave birth to a new thought没有更多的东西,弹尽粮绝: reach the bottom of the barrel你在拼命寻找更多的东西: are you desperate to find something more关于地球的: geal所以我也不值得去拥有更多的东西: well i deserve nothing more than i get我再也无能为力,我没有更多的东西: i can't helit - there's nothin' i want more有太多的东西: it's all too much to take in弄清楚更多的关于……的事情: find out more about …更多的: better; further; more; piu关于地球是圆的概念已广 泛为人们所接受: the notion that the earth is round has been widely accepted关于地雷: protocol on mines booby traps and other devices关于地址: about address属于地球的: geal忠于地球: earth patriotism我们要更多这个世界上提供的东西: we want more than this world's got to offer读更多的书: read more books更多的表情: additional smilies or emoticons更多的费用: powerful charge更多的加快: piu allegro