完全: complete; whole; perfect徹底: thorough; thoroughgoing為人民服務: serve the people为人民服务: dem volk dienen; equipped for service; le service au peuple; serve the people; service au peuple le; servire il popolo; the candidats; work for people本着为人民服务的精神: motivated by a desire to serve the people坚持为人民服务的方向: adhere to the orientation of serving the people勤勤恳恳地为人民服务: be diligent and conscientious in serving the people全心全意地为人民服务: serve the people wholeheartedly全心全意为人民服务: serve the people wholeheartedly誓以一生为人民服务: vow oneself to a life of service to the people为人民服务的献身精神: devoted service to the people为人民服务是我的格言: serving the people is my motto为人民服务是我们的本分to: serve the people is our duty为人民服务是无限的。: there is no limit to serving the people掌握为人民服务的本领: master the skills needed for serving the people人民服务: good boy; serve the people是指干部要全心全意为人民服务: by public servant we mean a cadre who serves the people whole heartedly他是全心全意为人民服务的表率: he set an example of wholehearted service to the people作为一个党员应该全心全意为人民服务: a party member one must serve the people wholeheartedly人民服务员报: loka sevak人民服务组织: peoples service organisation (pso)人的生命是有限的但为人民服务是无限的: there is a limit to one's life but no limit to serving the people完全, 彻底: through and through; to a nail完全,彻底: quite便民服务: ads; convenience service; convenient service; service for the convenience of the customers