
發音:   用"定義條件"造句 定義條件 in English
definite conditions
  • 定義:    definition; delimiting
  • 條件:    condition; term; factor
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. For information about defining condition actions , see
  2. Defines conditional compiler constants for visual basic
    為visual basic定義條件編譯器常數。
  3. To define conditional compilation symbols
  4. Defines conditional compiler constants
  5. Support for subscriber - defined conditions


        定義:    definition; delimiting
        條件:    condition; term; factor
        程序员定义条件:    programmer defined condition
        流程中定义条件步骤:    conditional step
        自定义条件逻辑操作符:    user-defined conditional logical operators
        定义条款:    definition clause; definitionclause
        广义条件期望:    wide sense conditional expectation
        承运人定义条款:    definition of carrier clause
        条件定义:    conditional definition
        条件定义清单:    event condition tables
        程序员定义的条件:    programmer-defined on-conditions
        初始条件定义错误:    error 130 error in initial conditional defines
        定义词 规定的条件:    definedterms
        定义和标准条件:    routine analytical cigarette smoking machine-definitions and standard conditions
        宏定义的条件语句:    conditional statement in a macrodefinition
        广义条分法:    generalized procedure of slices
        定义:    1.(確切而簡要的說明) definition; delimiting 短語和例子 確切的定義 an exact definition; 給一個詞下定義要比舉例說明它的用法困難。 to give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.2.(給以確切而簡要的說明) define 短語和例子 被定義為 ... be defined as ..
        条件定义清单与其它步骤互动:    status ..variables in event condition tables
        条件:    1.(客觀的因素) condition; term; factor 短語和例子 工作條件 working conditions; 生活條件 living conditions; 貿易條件 terms of trade; 自然條件 natural conditions; 利用有利條件 make use of the favourable factors; 根據自己的條件做某事 do sth. on one's own terms; 在這[那]種條件下 on this [that] condition; 在目前條件下 under present circumstances; 有條件要上, 沒有條件, 創造條件也要上。 when the conditions exist, go ahead; when they don't exist, then create them and go ahead.2.(提出的要求) requirement; prerequisite; qualification 短語和例子 共產黨員的條件 the requirements of the party members; 提出條件 put forward the requirement; list the prerequisites; 有條件地同意 agree with qualifications; 符合入學條件 satisfy the entrance requirement; 如果三項先決條件得不到滿足, 他們就拒絕談判。 they refused to negotiate unless three preliminary requirements were met. 耐心是教學必備的條件。 patience is a requirement in teaching.; 條件刺激 conditioned stimulus; 條件反射 conditioned response; conditioned reflex; 條件反應 [動物學] conditioned response (cr); 條件句 [語言學] conditional clause
        fin定义:    fin definition
        xmlschema定义:    xsd
        λ定义:    lambda definition
        定义,释义:    definition
        定义;定界:    definition
        定义;清晰:    definition


  1. "定義縮放大小函數"英文
  2. "定義索引"英文
  3. "定義所要求的類別"英文
  4. "定義特有特征"英文
  5. "定義特征集合"英文
  6. "定義條款"英文
  7. "定義圖案"英文
  8. "定義圖標"英文
  9. "定義拖曳方向"英文
  10. "定義拖曳平面"英文


想要吐槽“我很忙”?別只會用“I'm very busy”
為什么30歲后就不愛聽新歌了?  (雙語)

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